BILU UGANDA pursues child development by action along three interrelated core determinants – HEALTHCARE, AGRICULTURE, AND EDUCATION.
Dr. Shay Pintov and Anat Cohen came to Uganda in October 2017 "to volunteer for 3 months as part of another association and in a short time we realized that if we have an interest and desire to support and try to leave a program that will continue for a long time, so we decided to devote 10 years, which also led to this organization that deals with the development of models and infrastructure in the fields of health, agriculture, and education."
The organization works to support residents, especially women and teens - male and female alike - to overcome long-standing social and economic inequities. Its activities focus on achieving early gains in life that will continue to have lasting long-term positive benefits well into adulthood. As for 2024 is active in Kiboga, Hoima & Kyankwanzi districts.
BILU UGANDA collaborates with local and national government ministries, international agencies, corporates, and social enterprises, to run a growing roster of projects and activities.
Recognized for its efficient delivery of new and innovative programs, BILU UGANDA enjoys endorsements from regional and national government bodies and strong ties to local NGOs and cooperatives as rotary & World Vision. The organization has come to be known as a trusted, non-aligned partner and is well-placed to serve as a local project manager for international non-governmental agencies and development finance institutions.
Dr. Shay Pintov / Kirabo
Executive Director
William S. Kalema, Phd.
Executive Member
Raymond Ndyagambaki
Dr. Charlotte Levene
Director of Scholarships
Viagazu Vivian
Asekenye Catherine Barasa, Phd.
Board Chairperson
Dotan Ha'Meiri
Executive Member
Solomon Natar
Development Manager
Dr. John Borowski
Director of Internships
Kalangirire Richard
Data Officer
Anat Cohen
Executive Member
Dr. Niva Shapira
Executive Member
Dr. Léa Schmitt
Doctor, Social Media
Dr. Lior Nissim
Visiting Doctor
Anka Muresan
In-house Nurse
Ssegawa Darius
Coordinator Programs
We believe in working with others. BILU UGANDA collaborates with many partners in order to spread the good deeds as much as possible. Some are government, some are NGOs, some local and some international.